Saturday, January 12, 2019

What is a Galaxy ?

          Our Universe is scattered in a vast space. With the increase in Energy and the rate of Time throughout the universe, It is expanding day by day. There are three types of Galaxies presently in our Universe. These are Spiral Galaxies, Elliptical Galaxies, and Irregular Galaxies Generally, In our universe, we see stars are arranged in a spiral manner. These cluster of stars which are arranged in a spiral manner are generally known as Spiral Galaxies. Every Galaxy in our Universe is controlled by a Black Hole which is located at the center of it. Every Galaxy consists of billions of stars. These are stars are surrounded by planets. With this Imagination, There may be millions and trillions of planets in Every Galaxy. Our Galaxy is named as the Milky Way Galaxy. Every Galaxy in our Universe revolves around the Universe and rotate around itself.  

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