Sunday, January 20, 2019

What is a Supernova ?

          There are millions of stars in our universe. Every star has a life cycle. Our universe has average stars and massive stars. Both exhibit heat and light. At some instant of time, star starts to use all its energy and exhibit the all of its light. This is the brightest form of every star in our universe. This stage of star's life cycle is called Supernova. Due to these supernova's the dust and energy which is present in them spreads across the deep space and sometimes forms into a Nebula. Supernova's release the complete light using its fuel which is present in it. These are the brightest objects in this universe. These play a crucial role in the expansion of our universe due to the explosions which take place in them. These explosions spread dust and gases across the deep space which helps in enlarging our universe.   

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