Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bama Boom - " The Mysterious Sounds from the Sky "

      There was a strange phenomenon which was happening from the past three years. People were experiencing some mysterious sounds which heard from the sky in day-time around the world. These sounds were heard in many different countries around the world. They called these mysterious sounds as " Bama Boom ". The supernatural fact behind these sounds is that these were heard differently in different countries. Like in some places these sounds heard as tremors of the earthquake and some other places it heard as a sound of some explosive. People were quite confused and were unable to understand why these sounds are actually heard. The wonder behind these sounds is that they were ordered in a balanced manner like a music note with a high amount of volume that these heard to a whole city at the same time for continuously many hours. People who heard these sounds are later suffering from insomnia and with some bad dreams during there sleep time. These sounds are at the same time in many countries in the world such as America, India, Germany, Ukraine, and Australia. In America, these sounds were heard in many places such as Alabama, Idaho, etc. In India, these sounds were heard in a state named Rajasthan. 

           In the year 2012, when a person was getting into his car he heard some kind of trumpet sound. He thought it was from a loud sound speaker. Later, when he started a journey through his car he heard this mysterious sound with the same amplitude and intensity for about 54 kilometers of his travel. So, these mysterious sounds were almost covering a large amount of earth's surface with the same amplitude and intensity.
           Only in the year 2017, these Bama Boom sounds were heard almost 64 times around the whole world. These were heard in many worldwide locations such as Lapland, Yorkshire, Swansea,  St Ives, and Michigan. Many people thought that these Bama Boom sounds were heard due to supersonic aircraft, (or) large explosions which are far from the cities (or) meteoroids that are exploded in the exosphere when they enter into the earth's surface (or) due to the minute earthquakes that produced under the ground. But, NASA doesn't find any of these activities which are happened in the atmosphere. Military agencies addressed that there were no aircraft's practices during that " Bama Boom sounds are a production ". Geologist agencies don't record any change in the earth's magnitude. But, some people said that they had seen some vapor trails in the day skies. Vapor trail is generally referred to as the white cloud in the form of a line which is formed at the back of the aircraft after they travel through the skies. In some places, people said that they saw some kind of blazing greenish light in the sky. These sounds are produced even due to the space quakes, i.e., some electromagnetic waves are passed through the earth's surface and people who heard these sounds are affected by them. This may be the reason some people are suffered from insomnia and bad dreams during sleep time.


           Some astronauts mention that Every planet in our solar system produces some kind of sounds. Many thought that Bama Boom sounds are may be caused due to the planetary movements. But to hear these sounds due to planetary movements, we need a radio signal receiver. These sounds are not audible directly to the human ear. Since the 17th century, these mysterious Bama Boom sounds   were heard too many people in the world which were written in many books.


           On the day of July 2, 2014, Some people reported that they saw some objects which are in   the triangular shape with the lights under them and produced some kind of humming sound. UFO  investigators are saying that these UFO's are when landed on the earth (or) have a lift off from  the earth, to hide from us, they use some kind of shielding devices which reflects the sunlight which  falls on them. Some techniques like plasma stealth and active masking are used to cover themselves from the outside world. But, when they try to use these techniques higher energies and power  consumption is done. During these processes, there is some kind of sound which is produced from ufos.  Many people throughout the world believe that this may be the reason behind these " Bama Boom "mysterious sounds. But this there was no any actual reason for the production of these sounds.    This " Bama Boom Sounds " was one of the top mysterious phenomena which are not revealed till date.

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