Wednesday, October 23, 2019

WOW - " The Mysterious Signal from Deep Space "

                                Image result for wow signal
 There were many radio signals which reached to the Earth from Interstellar Space since many decades. One of the most mysterious signal from deep space was " WOW ".This was one of the strong narrow band radio signal was was received on August 15, 1977, by the Ohio State University's Radio Observatory in the United States. This signal was helped in the search of Extraterrestrial Life in the deep unknown space.This signal was said to come from a constellation named " Sagittarius ".This signal helped in the deeply investigate the outer space that there may be a origin of Extraterrestrial Life some where in our Universe.

            An Astronomer named Jerry R. Ehman discovered a deviation in the signal after analysis of the recorded data at that Time. He was surprised about the signal which he come across in the Data and decoded the signal and written beside the data as a comment " WOW ". This entire signal was almost continued for 72 seconds which was captured by the Big Ear but later never again got captured even Ehman tried to send some positive waves into the Deep Space to the same unknown coordinates from where this signal had been received. Many discussions with hypothesis were raised about this signal including Natural and Man - Made Resources. But none of them exactly unable to explain this signal. Even though this signal was not an altered encoded information but this signal was known as the one of the strongest signal ever encountered by the alien radio transmission received by the earth radio satellites since decades.     

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