Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bermuda Triangle - " The Devils and Most Mysterious Triangle "

          One of the most mysterious places in the modern world is " Bermuda Triangle ". This is located in the Western Part of the North Atlantic Ocean. Since the medieval period of the world, no ones knows exactly what is happening in this mysterious place. But on top of all, Since the ages, there are many ships and planes which are missing when entering into this region. Even in the modern world, Technology has evolved a lot faster when it is compared to the 20th Century. But no one is able to detect what is happening in this region. When the ship (or) an airplane enters into this Region the magnetic compass gets deflected and radars signals are completed missed which disables the communication. Later on, there are no traces of these flights and ships where these are hidden.
           The area between the places Florida, Bermuda and Plutonic on the Atlantic Ocean is generally referred to as Bermuda Triangle. It covers an area of about 1,30,000 kilometers. This is also called " The Devil's Triangle ". Every year, 4 Aeroplanes and 20 ships are vanishing when passing through this region. There aren't any traces that these missing ships (or) airplanes are crashed (or) immersed in this ocean. Till date, 1000's of ships and airplanes were missing in this region. But there are some incidents which made this place as the most mysterious place on the earth. Since the 21st Century, a Total of 11 different planes which are consisting of 148 people traveling in these planes are missing in this region. A Total of 10 different ships which are consisting of 773 people are traveling in these ships are missing in this region. Those incidents which brought the fear in the minds of people about this place are,
  • Flight 19
          On December 5, 1945, There was a mission named Flight 19. As a usual practice, US   navy sent there 5 fighter planes to the area of Bermuda Triangle. They had named this fighter planes   team as " Team - 19 ". Later after 2 hours of time, they received the voice message from the captain of the Team - 19 that there wasn't anything perfect at this place and our compass is getting deflected and   we are unable to find the perfect direction and ocean is completely different in here. After this voice message, the communication from them was completely offline and there were missing and never had any traces what exactly happened to these naval fighter planes. Then, US Navy immediately sent another team of 13 members in a flight to save the " Team - 19 ". But the rescue team had also vanished and never came back. Even American highly technological organizations had unable to find what had exactly happened to these flights.
  • USS Cyclops

          On March 4, 1918, There was an American cargo ship named " USS Cyclops " which was gone missing in the Bermuda Triangle. In the history of the American navy, a Large number of people were completely gone missing in this incident. Actually, these cargo ships are used for filling fuel tanks of warships during the time of wars. About 306 people were vanished with the ship and never found any traces of them till date. This was one of the deadly incidents over seaways throughout the world.

  • Glazing Balls Observed by Columbus 

          The famous Italian explorer, navigator, and colonist - Christopher Columbus come across a strange incident when we were traveling through the Bermuda Triangle in 1942. He had seen some mysterious lights which are in the form of huge spherical glazing balls in the Sky. During this time, He observed that his magnetic compass is getting deflected and doesn't work sometimes. He mentioned this weird experience in his " Columbus Log Book " which was made by a man named” Bartolome de las Casas ".
  • Electronic Fog       
          In December 1970, A man named Bruce Gernon had started his journey from Florida to the Bahamas in his personal flight. While in his journey suddenly, Bruce flight started traveling through a giant cloud. Bruce had named this cloud as " Electric Fog ". On all of a sudden, He saw some mystical lights with high intensity which was appeared to him like a continuous photo flashes. Later his flight passed those clouds and suddenly he saw Miami Beach in front of him. Actually, there was one shocking phenomenon in his flight Journey that it takes 75 minutes from Florida to Miami Beach even when the flight goes with the maximum speed. But, When Bruce's Flight Traveled through these mysterious clouds, it just took 40 minutes to reach the Destination. That means Bruce had passed from Time Warp that means he traveled 35 minutes through time.

          Many people say that these are missing in this Bermuda Triangle because there are some large sea monsters which live in this place. Some people say that here the earth's magnetic region is high so they say that the ships and airplanes are attracted to this region and they say this is also the region why radar communication is also failed in ships and airplanes. Some say that here there are critical climatic conditions throughout the year. Due to this, there are large hurricanes and whirlpools which occur in this region continuously. Some believe that this place may be conquered by aliens to captures the humans and their vehicle ships and take them to their planets to study them. But still, there is no scientific proof about this mysterious place what is exactly happening in this " Bermuda Triangle ".

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