Thursday, October 24, 2019

How Thunder and Lightning is Generated ?

            At the Starting of a Thunder Storm (or) Cyclone, There will be a lot of Water Vapor which is generated due to heating of the water at the Sea Level and carried straight to the Troposphere. This large amounts of water vapor later cooled down and form into clouds. But, When this cloud becomes heavy due to the enormous amount of water vapor they convert into water and starts to fall as small droplets. This process is generally called Rain. At the top layer of the clouds, The temperature is in freezing state. So the water vapor is in sublimation state i.e., the water vapor directly gets converted into ice. After a fraction of time, The ice starts to melt and falls into small water droplets on to the earth surface.

           While the water droplets traveling through the medium of air, the Water Droplets dashes each other and forms static electricity which passes through the clouds by producing a light spark and massive sound. This happens because when the charge travels through differently charged droplets, The charge collides to many other oppositely charged droplets and produces more massive sound. It may create10,000-megawatt amount of charge. The sound generally is known as Thunder and Light Spark is known as Lightning. In this process, the light flash appears first and later sound is produced. This happens because of the speed of Light is faster when compared to the speed of Sound.     

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